Saturday, May 20, 2006

To write.

Lots of people complain about writer's block, but I have to admit I haven't had that problem. I can't say that everything I've ever written has been worthy of keeping -- but I haven't ever sat in front of the keyboard going "Dang! Nothing to say."

Of course, there's always something else for me to do. If I don't have anything to write at the moment, I can go paint something.

If there's nothing to paint, I can go play my guitar.

So in that regard, I'm lucky.

Whether it's all good enough? Ah, there's the question.

I think it is. By good enough, I mean good enough to throw out there for others to decide for themselves whether they like it or not.

Some of it I like better than others. None of it makes me cringe, like the stuff I still keep tucked away. Much of it I can tell I did a while ago -- because I'm always looking to get better at whatever I'm doing.

I don't think I'm done.

But good enough? I think we're all good enough.

That's the message I'd like to send with Inkless Tales. I want children to try things for themselves, too.

I'm not sure the site is sending that message clearly enough. That's my next goal with the site. To send that message: try this for yourself, too.


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